Poetics of Aging

Marita Reilley Grudzen, Planning Committee

Marita GrudzenMarita Grudzen, MHS, CEU Co-Coordinator, is Deputy Director and a founding member of the Stanford Geriatric Education Center, a national center in ethnogeriatrics within Stanford University School of Medicine. Ms. Grudzen was co-recipient with Chaplain Bruce Feldstein, MD, of the Templeton Award (2001-06) for the medical school curriculum they developed, Spirituality and Meaning in Medicine. Ms. Grudzen served as religious editor for Vol. III of Doorway Thoughts, Religious and Spiritual Issues in Cross Cultural Care of the Older Adult (2008). Other publications include Vital Connections in Long term Care (2004 with Barton, J. and Zielske, R.) and “Discerning the Spirit in the Rhythms of Time” (chapter in Aging and the Meaning of Time, 2001, with Oberle, J.).